'\"Finesse\" by Bruno Mars | w/ Mastermind | Dance Fitness'

Posted Aug 29, 2022

'So stoked to have danced with these guys! #Mastermind, Ladies and Gents are so kewl! This dance group began in a talent search and skyrocketed in social media all due to their awesomeness. Check out their channel here --   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQeaV6mTxWc3oMT38mNew_Q?spfreload=5  #Finesse is #BurnoMars \' throwback to the 90\'s in tribute of the comedy show In Living Color.   #DanceFitness Thanks Mastermind and Unang Hirit!!!!' 

Tags: fitness , ENTERTAINMENT , Lifestyle , zumba fitness , REGINE TOLENTINO , ZUMBA , mastermind , finesse dance , dance cover , FINESSE , dance craze , New Dance , funky music , viral dance , in living color , finesse zumba , zumba style dance , Dance Diva , Finesse Zumba Style , Finesse Zumba Style Dance , 2018 Dance Craze , Old Skool Dance

See also: jan , Van , perdre du ventre , 6 pa , jo , no equipment , whats , Sunny Knows , spor , exercise
